ICE COLD BOOKS operates out of a retired fridge on S Clement Ave, one block North of Bad Moon Saloon.

  • ICE COLD BOOKS is a free library serving the community 24/7 fresh reads

    This library has an emphasis on Art and Nature, with a curated selection of reading material on art history, gardening, nature, science, and more

  • Alongside books, visitors are able to leave and take food, with fresh eggs laid on-site a sought after delicacy

  • Rummage, swap, buy, and hang, ICE COLD events happen throughout the year and all are invited to stop by

  • Links

    ICE COLD BOOKS features Zines made by artists in the community

    The artwork featured on the side of the library is Blackthorn, designed for William Morris by J.H. Dearle in 1892